Call us tree hugging hippies, but we prefer CHEAP prices and in our little way helping the environment.
Would you rather pay more for the same products from companies that use 'pretty' boxes? Or would you prefer cheaper prices and products showing up in a used box?
A used box to companies that think customers need BRANDED & EXPENSIVE boxes is like a curse word! We say that's garbage! Ok.. now you are thinking, 'what company uses the word ... garbage?' ... DORM CO
The point is this... 70% of our dorm shipments go out in used boxes, they aren't the best looking, but it recycles cardboard, which saves trees and in the end helps all of us. As an added bonus it reduces our box cost and in turn allows us to lower our prices and offer $2.95 shipping!
Go Truly Green this back to college shopping season and embrace the Dorm Co used box.
There isn't a time in life when getting good sleep is more important than college. With your brain soaking up so much new stuff, you'll need to relax those neurons and fall into long, extended, quality sleep. The best way to ensure good sleep while in dorm life is know about the little ways to add on extra minutes.
1.Plush Comforter - It all starts with a comfy comforter. A comforter is not just a comforter, many retailers sell 180 Tread Count comforters that feel less than cozy. You'll want to a add an ultra plush Twin XL comforter to truly make your dorm bed a place to get good sleep.
2.Twin XL Bed Topper - After you find the comforter that makes you sleepy just by looking at it, you'll want to a add an item that you won't see, but you will certainly feel. That essential dorm item is a Bed Topper. Whether you go with memory foam, a featherbed or a traditional egg crate, you will need to add cushion to your dorm bed. With college provided beds thin, flimsy and overall not comfortable, you can change all that by adding a Bed Topper.
3.Neverlate Alarm Clock- You may be thinking... How does an Alarm Clock help me sleep? Traditionally the alarm clock is the enemy of sleep, but have you ever lost sleep due to having to check and re-check your alarm clock to see if it is set? It happens to all of us, but it especially happens to those in college who have to wake up at different times throughout the week. Typically different daily wake up times would require that you set your alarm clock everyday, but with the Neverlate Alarm clock you can set 7 alarms (one for everyday of the week). By setting everyday up front you don't have to worry or wonder if you properly changed the time each night... that is key to falling asleep faster. As a bonus this alarm clock also has a special nap timer!
4. Blackout Curtain - Unlike your room at home that probably has dark curtains or shades that block the sun fairly well, your soon to be dorm room will feel as if the sun lives in your room.The college provided blinds block hardly any sun and unless you like waking up at 8AM on the weekends you’ll need a Blackout curtain.By adding a Blackout Curtain you are ensuring that your dorm room can stay dark and that you can catch a nap no matter what time of the day.
5.Sleep Eye Mask - If you like naps and seriously who doesn't?! Then you'll need a Sleep Eye Mask to ensure you can fall asleep in the middle of the day. Sure the blackout curtain would do the trick, but what if your college roommate is up and hanging out? You certainly can't shut the curtains on them, so instead of imposing your sleep wants, you can add a quality Sleep Eye Mask to get the darkness and peace you need.