As summer passes, you’re hopefully spending your days visiting friends who will soon be heading off to different colleges, starting new jobs, or perhaps sticking around your hometown while you’ll be off to a new place! It’s all very exciting, no doubt, but an unspoken question arises: who will you keep in touch with?
Hopefully everyone, right?! Hopefully. However, you’ll find as you start college, that that’s very tough to do. Actually, it really isn’t too tough considering how easy it is to email, Facebook, or text an old friend. Still, really keeping in touch can be tough. You’ll be busy, you’ll be making friends, you’ll have plenty of other things on your mind... and so will your now far-away friend.
It would seem awfully impersonal to try and make a list of friends you’ll keep in touch with and friends that you likely won’t. So instead of going to such an extreme measure, take a more natural approach to it. You’ll be in touch with your best friends, but give other friends an occasional shout-out on Facebook. In truth, keeping in touch doesn’t have to mean sending pages-long letters to each other or talking for hours at a time. A quick hey, how’s it going? will make old friends feel good. It’ll mean you’re still thinking of them. Sure, it can be a little harsh, but the truth is you won’t be able to fly or drive out to visit all those old friends who are now so spread out. So do the best you can.
But if you do have the time and resources to get out and see old friends, by all means. We’re all guilty a bit of taking friends for granted, especially when we see them every day. When you can reunite with an old friend after not seeing him or her for a while, it makes anyone’s friendship that much better. So when it comes down to it, understand that you won’t be in touch with every friend from high school. But not being in touch doesn’t mean ignoring someone either. Keep in contact at least somewhat, and when you can take the chance to see old friends in person, do it!