May 17, 2012

Fool Proof Finals Formula

When I began my freshman year of college, I kept hearing that infamous F word. You know what I’m talking about. It’s that short word college students use when they get extremely stressed out at the end of the semester. I just didn’t understand it. I’d ask myself, why is everyone saying it? I’d wonder, what’s the big deal? I wanted an answer, but I didn’t get one until years later. Now I’m here to help you understand the F word before it’s too late.
The F word I am referring to is obviously FINAL! I can only hope that’s the word you thought I was talking about. But anyway, like I wrote earlier, toward the end of the semester you’ll most likely hear the F word upwards of fifteen times a day. In college, the last week of each semester can include, but is not limited to, all nighters, 6 cups of coffee a day, falling asleep in the library, cereal for dinner, and possibly dreams about filling in multiple choice bubbles correctly. But don’t start dreading finals week! It may be tough, but there is no better feeling than answering that last question of an exam and being free (for a least a few months).
Not knowing what to expect during finals week is a major disadvantage to new students. But by following my Fool Proof Finals week Formula, you’ll have all the information you need to ace finals week.
Here it is: Formula 1
Planner + Syllabus + Library + Study Group =Fantastic Finals Week
Let me break it down for you:
It’s all in the planning. Finals week is usually stressful because most students haven’t planned past what they’re eating for dinner. You may think it’s nerdy, but who wants to wake up and realize they’ve slept through 2 exams?
Don’t throw it out! In the beginning of the semester, you probably wanted to throw away your course schedules. But believe it or not, syllabuses can be a life & grade saver when it comes to the F word. Syllabuses will not only help you plan for your exam, but they can also help you calculate exactly what you need to get on the final in order to receive a certain grade.  
Living in the lib. Even if you’re not a big fan of your school library, it’s always good to switch up where you study.
Two heads are better than one. Solo studying can be good when you’re trying to cram right before an exam, but study groups are always a better way to study.
Here is it…again: Formula 2
Coffee + Junk Food + All Nighters + Cramming = Fantastic Finals week
Now this formula may be worse for your health, but it’s only a week right? Ultimately, the Fool Proof Finals Week Formula is about finding what works best for you. So if you need to take a few things from Formula 1 and a few things from Formula 2, do what you have to do. Just remember my formulas when you start to hear the infamous F word at the end of the semester.

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