The vast of majority of college students aren't trying to turn their dorm into a kitchen and cook daily meals. In fact if that happens more than twice in a semester that would be considered odd. Your real college meals will come from your University Cafe or 'The Caf' as it is commonly called. This is where you'll use your meal card and what you'll consider your eat in kitchen. Depending on the college, your University Cafe food can be surprisingly good and offers enough variety to make daily meals anything but dull.
Since your meals are covered we are referring to those late night binge snacks. Whether 11PM or 3AM the University Cafe won't be open and you'll be hungry. Maybe you studied late and need a break or you partied hard and need food to soak up all that fun... either way you'll be making dorm snacks!
1. Pizza. This includes breadsticks and any cheap side item your local pizza place offers. Sure you always want pizza, but unless you found a $5.00 pizza deal odds are you'll be lacking funds to splurge for a whole pie every time. The cheap side items will get you through when you are low on cash flow.
2. Ramen Noodles. The funny thing about Ramen Noodles is that before college you probably never ate them and after college you won't want to touch them. This .32 cent meal/snack has a window in your life during college and boy is it popular! If you don't have a HOT POT that is what you must buy to enjoy this tasty and affordable dorm binge snack!
3. Popcorn. Movie night anyone? Or how about you and your friends getting together to watch your favorite TV show on Thursday night!? The best dorm snack for TV & Movie night is none other than Popcorn. You can cook it with those bag versions in the microwave or you can go all out and use a Popcorn Maker.
4. Mac N Cheese. You can't go wrong with Mac N Cheese and now that you can get the microwavable version you really can't go wrong. More expensive than Ramen Noodles, Mac N Cheese will be considered a splurge.
5. Soup. Ok..... maybe the list should have stopped at the TOP 4 because soup is hardly a binge snack, but it sure is a top comfort food when you get sick or homesick during those long college days. Easy to cook in a hot pot or microwave, you'll find yourself enjoying your favorite canned soup on days where it just feels right. The great thing about soup is that it stays good.... you can keep the can in your closet for months and enjoy it when you are ready. Soup is also relatively cheap and can warm you up during those cold winter days. Just don't forget a Can Opener and a Cool Touch Microwavable Bowl!
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