July 13, 2011

How to Find a Job in College

There may be times that you feel like the proverbial poor college student. You want to go out and party with you friend. You want to eat at restaurants instead of constantly eating cafeteria food. Now that you are in college, you have the freedom to eat where you want, when you want with one drawback, you have no money. You need money if you want to do anything that’s not free, you need a job. Check out each of the options below and you may just start making money.

WARNING: Make sure that your part time job doesn’t interfere with school work. Make sure that you know how many hours a week you can spend working and still keep your grades up.

1. Businesses on campus

There are probably a bunch of businesses on campus, all of which have positions that have to be filled. A lot of these places hire exclusively from within the school. Keep your eyes open around campus for any hiring signs or you can even go in and ask if they are hiring.

2. Businesses off campus

Look around town for any business that is close by that you can perhaps walk/bike/catch a bus to. These businesses will probably be just like your jobs when you were in high school. Working in retail or at a restaurant is probably the path that you will take without a college degree (that’s why you’re in college anyway, right?).

3. Offices on campus

A lot of offices hire student assistants to perform clerical work for them. Odds are that it won’t be too exciting, but you get to work in an office that is cool in the summer and warm in the winter. You also get the added benefit of working with many professionals and perhaps getting some insight into a career that you may want to pursue. Along with that idea…

4. Internships

While it is true that many internships are unpaid, there are also a number that are paid. Internships will give you experience in your field, hook you up with great references and perhaps give you money to do the things you want to do. The case may be that you are looking for money, but if you are offered a great internship that is unpaid, go with it for the experience and references.

5. Become self employed

If there are no other options, you may as well employ yourself. If you live in a small college town, go around and look for odd jobs that you can perform for some extra money. If you are really strong in one subject, offer to tutor kids that may be in introductory classes. Use your strengths and put them toward making you money.

It is great to have money, but it can be hard work and time consuming. No matter which of the tips you decide to follow from above, make sure that you have time for classes, studying and the fun things that perhaps made you get a job in the first place. There will be plenty of time to work in the summers between school years and when you graduate.

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