June 21, 2012

I Need A Gift Registry … Ooh, And A Featherbed!

Gift registries have become popular ways to facilitate gift giving. What was once secluded to Bridal and Baby occasions has now become a popular median for prospective college students. Some people question the principle of asking for specific gifts, but many more people believe registries provide a great way for college students to get exactly what they need for college. After all who needs three alarm clocks? In addition, many adults find these registries simplify a complicated process. Some adults are out of touch with modern college necessities and need a little guidance.

Some registries are administered exclusively by 1 site. These web sites maintain their database and constantly update when you add a new item to the registry, remove one or change a color or feature. This quick online feature means your entire family can browse what you need without asking you or blindly buying something. However, you may need to make a quite a few registries to cover all your dorm room necessities.
Covering everything you need, DormCo teamed up with a popular online gift registry, WishPot. This best of both worlds team up will let you get all your dorm room essentials in the same registry as the new shoes or clothing you would like as well. This ultimate convenience means family; relatives and friends can all search in one registry for dorm supplies you need. Best of all, you can avoid any of those lame Class of 20** picture frames.
Etiquette experts recommend that you avoid blatantly asking people to purchase you certain college supplies. A subtle way of introducing your registry would be to put it on a party invitation: gifts (optional) at ___ Registry.  In addition, the registry you give should be very practical college supplies and nothing too expensive or non-essential. Purchases like that will most likely be handled by your immediate family (They know what’s up). Now you are in the know about College Gift Registries.

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