August 31, 2012

We're Back!

Hey everyone, hope you enjoyed your summer. As you may have noticed, we have been busy getting making sure all your college gear arrives in time and have not posted our ordinary amount. That is all going to change this Fall. We will be bringing to you some sweet new topics and advice to make it through the school year.

Until my next new awesome blog,

August 8, 2012

Top 3 Things To Do Before Leaving for College

There are many things that you’re going to want to remember to do before heading off to college in the fall, so just consider this your Pre-College Bucket List.

#1 – Go visit your old high school.
No, not to visit the teachers that you already miss after being a high school graduate for all of 2 months. But to walk through the halls of that school and say “Sayonara suckers!” to all the poor, unfortunate students that still have to suffer through high school for multiple more years.

#2 – Shower your siblings with gifts.
Face it: as much as you say you won’t miss them, you will. Will they miss you? Not so much. Little siblings are like scavengers just waiting to poach your room for their own once you head off to school. Make sure you bribe them excessively so you lessen your chances of coming home for the Holidays to find that you’ve suddenly been “moved” to a smaller room.

#3 – Skip your orientation.
Who cares about getting acquainted with your new school when you could be sleeping all day and avoiding growing up? Don’t go to your school’s orientation – who even needs school? Now that I mention it, if you’re reading this you should probably quit while you’re ahead, withdraw from school, and join a traveling circus.

Clearly these aren’t really the most important things below you leave for college…or are they? Either way, be sure to enjoy your last few weeks before embarking on the new journey that is college. Time will fly, and before you know it you will be on campus!