Are you looking forward to college? You’ve heard that question more than a few times this past few months. So, what’s your answer? Yes! We hope. Still, with that excitement comes some anxiety. Anyone and everyone has to admit there’s lingering or at least subtle anxiety. Maybe you’re going to a school several states away. Maybe it’s half an hour away. Either way, it’s a big switch, and with change comes some anxiety. Just don’t let any jitters overwhelm the excitement you feel.
Admittedly, there’s plenty to be anxious about. Will those classes be tough? Will you make friends? Will you get lost on your campus and have to pull out your map, indicating to all those in your area that, yes, you’re a freshman. Hey, don’t sweat it. All of those concerns are normal—and they’re vaild. Those classes might indeed be tough, and it also might be hard to make friends at first.
But it’s key to keep that phrase in mind: at first. It will take some adjusting to college life before it starts feeling normal. Anxiety will be at its peak initially. As much as you’re looking forward to college, will feel, well, weird in the beginning. Yet as quickly as those anxieties rise up, they’ll dissipate. If you’re hanging out alone in your dorm, the anxiety creeps in. But then college life presents so many new activities and opportunities, that it’s tough to let anxiety get the best of you when you’re out going to new classes, heading off to a party, or grabbing a meal with some other kids in your dorm. The point is, college will keep you busy enough so that you won’t be stuck drowning in anxieties, be they homesickness, grades, or anything else. By simpling participating in college life and all it has to offer, chances are, you’ll find yourself well adjusted and enjoying yourself after a few weeks. Going to college will feel normal, as crazy as that sounds right now.
You’re better off going into college expecting to feel a little anxious and uncertain about things. It’s only natural. If you’re very excited about starting school and you don’t think you’ll be homesick or worried about change, those feelings can creep in. So go in expecting at least a smidgen of anxiety. But also feel reassured knowing that it won’t last long! College is a years-long commitment, and you might be feeling uneasy for a few weeks. Hey, what’s a few weeks when compared to a few years?
In the end, don’t let a little anxiety and butterflies overcome the anticipation and excitement of starting your college career. It’ll feel strange when you’re unpacked in your dorm and spending your first night there. Steadily, gradually, it’ll get better, and soon college life will feel like everyday living. And yes, you’ll have plenty of fun!
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