Selecting your college classes is one of the greatest academic freedoms you’ll have in college. Granted, some classes will be required for your major and others will be gen. ed. classes that you have to take. Still, there will be plenty of schedule planning to do throughout college. The only drawback is that, as a freshman, you’ll be on the bottom of the totem pole. That doesn’t mean, though, that there aren’t plenty of cool classes out there. So choose wisely!
Choosing classes wisely involves more than just picking a bunch of fun or easy classes! Variety is actually the most important aspect of a good class schedule. Even if you already know your major and you love your major, there’s no quicker way for that love to dissipate than to overload your schedule. If you’re a math major and that schedule of yours is five back-to-back math classes, at the end of the day, you might just love math a little less. At the end of a semester you might downright need to switch majors! So be warned. It’s great to love your major, but don’t overload your schedule with major-related classes, at least not at first, or you won’t experience the nice balance a varied schedule brings.
Since you’re bound to come across classes you don’t like, having a balanced class schedule means you should like at least some of your classes, hopefully. No, taking a semester full of classes isn’t exactly fun, yet if you have a good balance to your schedule, it won’t be too bad either. If you have a class that you find, well, boring, hopefully you have a couple other classes on the schedule that you find engaging. Similarly, if you have some tough classes on there, hopefully some others are easier. It’s all about the balance.
While this is more of a personal preference, balance in classes can also mean keeping in check the various times of your classes. Some students stock up all there classes so they don’t have any scheduled for Friday and even have another day of the week off. This, though, means that class days will be long and quite intense. If you aim for a more standard balance, you might find you do better on a more normal schedule. Then again, some students might take their classes all at once to provide them with more days off and free time. That too is part of the balance equation, and could work out for you as well.
At some point, you just won’t be able to sign up for the classes that you’d like, and balance can’t be attained. But do your best to keep the balance in check, as it will help bring some normalcy and standardization to the crazy chaos of college life!
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