November 13, 2015

Making Money In College

When you’re in college, you’re going to be on your own and independent. You’re going to be going to dinner and coffee shop visits with friends and you’re also going to be grocery and clothing shopping. Unfortunately, you’re also going to have education expenses on top of all of these things. What are you going to need for all of these things? Money. When you’re in college, if you plan on doing these things, you’re going to need a bit of income.

Work Study – When you fill out the FAFSA for your college, you’ll find out if you’re eligible and awarded Federal Work Study. This is a pretty cool program – you get to work for the college and earn money to help pay for your education expenses. With this program, you’ll get to learn new things including what you like doing. You may get to work in your favorite area or department of the college, such as the library. Doing what you like will make this experience even more fun and rewarding and you may even get future career ideas from this program.

Sell Clothes – Want some extra money to spend on new clothes? Sell your old ones! Go through your clothes that you find yourself not wearing as often either because they don’t fit or don’t go with your style anymore, take the items to a consignment shop and see if you can make some money from those old clothes. You’ll be helping others in need and you’ll also be making some money that you can put toward college expenses such as food or to new clothes if you find yourself needing dress clothes for an interview or internship.

Internship – There are many types of internships out there. Along with earning credit for college, you can also earn money which makes an internship pretty awesome. You get to try out different career paths you may be interested in and you get to learn a lot while in an internship. This is great all around – you’ll make money, get college credit, and learn a lot about what you want to do in the future all at once.

Part Time Job – Lastly, you can get a part time job. Retail is a popular choice for college students, especially if it’s your favorite store. You get to have a flexible schedule for the most part and if you’re looking for a part time job during the holiday season, you will be able to find a lot of places that are hiring for seasonal help.

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